Thursday, 6 September 2018

How to Understand Historian Basics

I spent some good time with Historians implementation using Aspen IP21....

Historians are time series databases which will store plant data from all units in a "centralized repository" ..from where users can visualize,Analyse various units/plants control system data in a structured way from their own desks... which ultimately useful for "Strategic Decision makings"...and also as a "real time monitoring system" which is also called "RTMS"...

Our Clients major focus was to reduce "Power Consumption" with out effecting Production and quality.

This software answers how to improve either Production/Quality/Save etc using your own data.. And at least it will take you to "2 Whys" based on the dashboards/Fault trees developed.

Once the system is enabled people will have an access to visualize historical data...from their own desks through either a web link which is called Aspen Process Explorer/a1PE..or through a a1PE desktop client itself...

" a1PE" itself have many statistical functions where analyst or process engineer can export the data in various forms for regression analysis or correlation analysis of dependent and independent variables..List below are some of the features of a1PE.

  1. Statistics features like Regression, Mean,Median,Standard Deviation,Averages etc..
  2. Exporting data inform of tables to excels.
  3. Comments/Annotation can be set on trends. 
  4. Alarms can be set with auto email feature is available in a1PE...
  5. Adhoc Calculations can be done on the fly using tags.
  6. Reports automation like daily reports  shift reports etc.. 
There are various advantages once this Historian is implemented...few are listed below ...
These reports automation will more successful if plant have a maximum online metering which will fetch data from transmitters/meters..
  1. Automating Shift reports,Daily reports,Monthly reports,
  2. Performance reports of an equipment,
  3. Dashboards for real time monitoring for Production/Consumption/Stock/KPIs/Fault trees/Environmental etc..
Calculations can be build on the fly using "Aspen Calc" and store the information in a Tag..

Dashboards can be developed using "Aspen Graphic Studio Browser" where it has a various features like a dial gauges,input boxes,bars,graphs etc...

How Data flows:
DCS/PLC Control Systems To OPC To ASPEN IP21
"CIM-IO Interface" installation in OPC machines which acts as a TCP is an interface which sets communication between OPC and ASPEN IP21..

Some of the DCS Vendors like Honeywell,Emersion, FactoryTalk,Schneider etc...

"Aspen Administrator" Which we do maximum of the work like Repository Creation,Analog/Discrete/Text tags creation with all the properties like description,units,limits,OPC path mapping,

Major Components of Aspen IP21 which are listed below...
  1. "CIM-IO Interface"
  2. "CIM-IO Connection Manager"
  3. "Aspen Administrator"
  4. "Aspen Graphic Studio Browser" 
  5. "Aspen Calc"
  6. "a1PE or Aspen Process Explorer"

Definitely the process will be same in any historian...Some of them are
OSIsoft PI.
GE Historian
Factory Talk SE Historian

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CPP- Co generation Power Plant

CPP- Co-generation Power Plant. I spent some good amount of time in Thermal Power Plants.I will try to give you a brief idea on the same....